Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"It's a New Day"

So I made my eighth grade U.S. history students watch the inauguration. I should have just stayed home so I could have thoroughly enjoyed it, but whatever. I told the kids to remember this moment because it will be one of those defining moments in history that they can look back upon. I got chills hearing me say that oath of office. I feel so privileged to have witnessed this event. It was interesting to see so many of them interested, and others...not at all. I can only do so much.

Later on in the day...I became so irritated. My eighth period is full of a bunch of students whose parents would be ashamed of the way they act in my class if they could see them. Too many kids who just cannot keep their mouths closed. We have our ups and downs, and last week was good.

Today, the first year teacher who I mentor decided to pop in to observe me. She sent me an email over the weekend, which I didn't receive until this morning. Of course, today the kids start off the class poorly, and I have to lay into them. I was so frustrated...and disappointed in the way they let me down. And of course, I was also upset the newbie was seeing them act this way. I kept thinking she was thinking, "Well, I guess I am not this bad of her class is like this." And of course, once I laid into them they were quiet for the rest of the period.

On my way home, I asked myself this question though, "Why am I always so worried about what other people think?" I keep thinking that I have come farther than this, yet these feelings always come up. I know I am a good teacher, and yet I let those thoughts dissuade me. ::sigh::

Oh well, tomorrow is a brand new start again. I hope everyone is filled with as much optimism as I am thanks to our new president.

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