Friday, January 23, 2009

Mildly Obsessed

Does anyone else watch Jon and Kate plus eight? I don't regularly turn to this show, but whenever I flip through channels and it's on...I am hooked. I am sickly obsessed with it. I have no desire to start a family of my own what-so-ever just yet, but I cannot help watching. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have THAT many kids. It's just odd. I will not watch that Duggar family though. The parents are just a bit too creepy. Jim Bob? CREEPER.

Btw, if you go the Duggar website, it's a bit more scary. They state that using birth control was "selfish." Are you kidding me? What's selfish is bringing 18 children into the world who you cannot individually spend enough time with and who you financically have to support by doing TV shows you never would have gotten if you didn't have that many children. And you don't even have a farm (The only reason why families back in the day had so many children to begin with was because they had farms and needed workers for that farm). Sorry, but the miscarriage they had in their early years of marriage was a truly unfortunate accident. It was not a sign that they were selfish and should go off of birth control. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i'm addicted. it's been on my DVR for two years and i can't stop watching. my husband can't stand it because he doesn't like kate, so i have to wait until he's not home or he's asleep to watch.
