Saturday, December 6, 2008


I feel so out of the loop. It has been such a long time since I have written anything, and yet every day I have had something I have wanted to post. I have no energy to do anything. I am so bogged down by things at work and with my master's that I feel as though I am barely going to make it until Winter Break. Grr. I keep telling myself that everything will be worthwhile the next school year when all of this is done and I have added so much to my resume, but it's hard while I am doing the work now.

And by the way, it has been so hard to get in the holiday spirit out here in California. The warmth is making me ill. I long for a white Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate...I am currently teaching, getting my masters, personal training and planning a wedding. My head is swimming in to-do lists!! I really want to do holiday stuff, but I know I should study....hang in there the count down is on!!!
