Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Twilight Obsessed

I should have known it back in February when I had about six students reading the book during our silent reading period. They told me they were staying up until midnight reading it, and they were putting off homework. I noted the title, but I still didn't purchase it. My sister then started to read it, raving about it...and I still didn't purchase it.

My husband actually read it before I did. He kept complaining and whining about how mushy it was, and I laughed it off. Just last week, I started to read it...and I could NOT PUT IT DOWN! I've gone through the first three books in the series, and what have I spent Veteran's day doing? Reading the fourth book of course. Yes, I am officially 100 percent obsessed with "Twilight." I have OCD: obsessive cullen disorder. I'm even contemplating purchasing a shirt that says "Boys in books are just better." Stephanie Meyer has completely captured the obsessive, irrational, over the top thought processes of a young girl in love. I haven't experienced the emotions I have felt reading through this book in such a long time. All of the ups and downs, chills, and goosebumps that one goes through when in love.

I am reading the fourth right now, "Breaking Dawn," and I almost don't want too because I know it's going to be over soon. And yet, I am so involved with the characters that I cannot put it down. It's bad. It's to the point where I have skipped lunch with colleagues so I can read.

If you have not read this book yet, I highly suggest it. It has reminded me once again why I love to read so much.

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