Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wedding Woes

I'm coming up upon my one year anniversary Saturday. I stayed up for an hour last night, unable to fall asleep, because I kept thinking about the one regret I have about my wedding last year: the fact that our ceremony did not get recorded. Well, I take that back. Our friend was recording it, and the tape cut our right before we were about to say our vows.


It makes me so sad, looking back upon this now. My mother and I had gone out the morning of the wedding to get new tapes, and I gave them to Nick's friend. I could almost swear that I said, "You need to put a new tape in." But maybe I didn't. All I know is he used the tape which I had used to record my kids skits (the one already in the camcorder), and it hadn't been rewound far enough.

The hubby says it's not important; we have beautiful photos. But I just cannot seem to Maybe it's because I never wrote down the promise I made to Nick. The hubby is kinda glad about that since he says the little speech I gave was better than his. But I want those words! He's promised me that in five years we can have another ceremony, which we will film, and I can have it shot in 8mm like I want in addition to just a standard recording. But it's not the same. =(

Is there something you cannot let go of?


  1. aw that would bum me out too :/ but i will say that i adore your bouquet-i think the greenery is the best part.

  2. Ohhhhhh, sweetie. I went through a similar thing. For whatever reason our audio didn't take during the filming, so you can't hear a word we said. It still makes me sad, but on the upside I have a fantastic bubs who has also agree to a renewal. Aren't we lucky? You looked gorgeous!
