Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I am caught in that end of the school year whirlwind, trying to knock out all of the assemblies, dances, and end of the year activities I am in charge of while still presenting engaging U.S. history content to my history classes.

Yep, I am exhausted.

A week ago, we took a much needed night off and went in search of a great martini. Unfortunately, there aren't that many great martini bars here in Orange County. In fact, when I told the hubs I was in dire need of one, I could only think of three places to go. Luckily, Opah was just as good as I remembered.

This was the best martini I've actually ever had. They had a few new ones listed on their menu, and when I saw jalapeno as one of the ingredients, my first thought was, "Huh?" But it actually turned out to add just the right amount of heat to this cocktail.

I re-discovered my love of the Wedge salad; theirs was incredible. The balsamic vinegar drizzled over the top of this caused me to pretty much devour it, which was quite embarrassing for the husband.

We hadn't been to this restaurant in about two years. After having the meals we did we will definitely not be waiting that long again.

Oh, and my little stomach flu episode last week has jump-started my weight loss. I'm down five pounds.

Sorry this post is so random, btw. I'm feeling pretty random.


  1. I am down a couple of pounds right now due to illness too. I hate being sick, but don't mind that side effect! Glad you are better!

  2. 5 pounds? congrats, wow. i bet having that salad instead of that burger and fries might have been tough. that food looks straight up dreamy!

    hope the end of the year isnt beating you up too bad and you can sneak some more blogging in soon ;)

  3. I'm sorry about the stomach flu but at least you got a jump start to 5 lbs weight loss ey? =) Oh and I haven't had a martini in ages, I wanna make this saturday A martini night with the besties.
