Being sick in bed the past few days with an awful sinus infection has given me quite a bit of time to reflect on things so far in my life. As my twenties are drawing to a rapid close (I turn 30 on Thursday), I have mixed feelings. I actually feel relieved to be putting these years behind me. The girl you see below allowed herself to be treated pretty badly. It was somewhat numbing to stay in a relationship with a man who had cheated on me considering that I had been adamant about never allowing myself to be treated in such a way. And yet, I was so obsessed with my first love that I let myself be talked down to and taken advantage of. I was so into the music he created that I just couldn't imagine leaving him.
I can never thank that man enough for breaking up with me and moving rapidly onto the woman who is now actually his wife. While the two of them started their relationship with lies and cheating, I was set free. And thank goodness. It gave me the wake-up call I needed. It set me on a path towards the man who is truly my equal in every sense of the word.
My late twenties saw me falling in love with my match, getting married, and exploring the world. Though I no longer have songs written about me, I have someone who I know cares about me more than anything else in the world. And besides sharing that feeling with my mom, it's something I have never had before. My husband is the man I know I'm growing to grow old with, and he's opened me up to so much in the world. I will never be able to thank him enough for that.
As for me, I think I've grown a bit more patient and wise. I've learned to appreciate what really matters. So...

...goodbye twenties. Though we did have some good times in your later years, I am two-stepping my way into my thirties (after I'm over this cold).