Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Night with Lost

The hubby was sweet enough to buy us tickets to the LOST Live event last week that happened at UCLA's Royce Hall. Considering how fast tickets sold out (in ten minutes), I cannot state enough how blessed I feel to have been able to attend this event.

If you're a Lostie like myself, you must know what it meant to attend this event. I admit, I didn't watch Lost in the beginning, though my sister and mom raved about it. I got sucked into the Lost universe during season two and never looked back. There are so few TV shows which ever truly have an impact on your life, but Lost is definitely one of those shows. I connected with the characters and their searches on such personal levels. To think it is coming to an end saddens me deeply.

Since I am always on the search for a great burger, we first stopped at a restaurant that has been raved about out here in Los Angeles, Umami Burger. It is supposed to touch on the fifth flavor, savory, and they actually steam their burgers. A colleague had raved about it.

I ordered the Port and Stilton burger, which had blue cheese and onions. I was so psyched, and as I prepared for the first bite, my nerves were tingling. But then, failure. The hubby and I both looked at each other with such disappointment. Sorry Umami, but you did not live up to your hype.

Fortunately, Lost live more than made up for it. Michael Giacchino led an orchestra through six of the most striking songs featured on Lost, and then we actually got to see Tuesday night's episode that night. Let me tell you, the crowd went nuts getting to see the episode before everyone else.

To finish, I grabbed my "Dharma Water" from the Vitamin water reps and called it a night. Sunday, I loathe thee. I don't know what I will do without my Lost.


  1. ah i love it! and we just started watching lost, we arent even through season 1 yet! (25 episodes, wowza)

  2. I hear LOST! I am going to a LOST finale party on Sunday. What is going to happen! Oy!
